Superdrol (Methyldrostanolone)
$80.00Combine that with the fact that anabolic steroid and anabolic steroid-like bodybuilding supplements are so difficult to get your hands on unless you’re willing to dive into the black market and it’s easy to see why so many people in the fitness world really struggled to achieve the results they are dreaming about with the help of everything that modern chemistry and research has to offer. Superdrol History and Overview Make no mistake about it – Superdrol is 100% and anabolic steroid, though it is one of the most truly unique anabolic steroid options out there for a variety of different reasons. Produced by a company known as Anabolic Extreme, this steroid was never placed on the controlled substance list in the United States. Hitting the market in 2005 (and carried by almost every single major supplement company and fitness center), Superdrol has enjoyed a tremendous amount of success in helping serious athletes transform their barter a lot faster than they ever would have thought possible before. Unfortunately, due to a lot of pressure from the FDA, Superdrol was scheduled to be discontinued by the end of 2012. Over-the-counter usage was suspended in 2008 pending the reclassification of Superdrol, and by the time that the middle of 2012 rolled around this steroid was also placed on the controlled substance list and given a Schedule III classification. Companies have been trying to find ways to take advantage of the major active ingredients in Superdrol and other formulations to provide the market with the same kind of results. Some have had a little bit of success, but none of them have been able to fully replicate the formula that made Superdrol such a transcendent solution in the anabolic steroid and bodybuilding communities. Today, however, Superdrol is starting to see a resurgence, though it is almost 100% manufactured overseas. There’s a little bit of risk and purchasing it in the United States for a variety of different reasons, and while you won’t have to go the 100% black-market route to get your hands on Superdrol it’s definitely not going to be as easy as purchasing it over-the-counter the way you could have back in 2005 and 2006. Superdrol Chemical Characteristics The real “backbone” ingredient in the formulation for Superdrol is certainly the active steroid all hormone methyldrostanolone, a DHT derived anabolic steroid that carries extra methyl groups at the carbon to position which helps you to have a much improved anabolic power when introduced into the bloodstream. This is why Superdrol was such a game changer in the over-the-counter steroid world, why it was so aggressively targeted by the FDA, and why continues to carry a Schedule III classification in the United States today. As far as the overall structure of Superdrol is concerned, however, it has in anabolic rating of 400 (one of the highest anabolic ratings of any steroid available today) while carrying and androgenic rating of just 20 – a number considered shockingly mild for such a potent and powerful muscle building solution. This helps Superdrol to be so incredibly remarkable when it comes to the muscle building results possible after you use Superdrol without causing the kind of dangerous and potentially life altering side effects that other powerful steroids inevitably bring to the table. On the surface, there really isn’t anything that ends up being all that remarkable when you were talking about Superdrol. Compared to other steroids of this variety Superdrol appears to be relatively mild and ineffective, but once you dig a little bit deeper into everything that this particular anabolic steroid offers – and once you really understand the science and the chemistry of this supplement – it is immediately apparent that this is a seriously effective solution for athletes and bodybuilders looking to improve their results without wreaking havoc on their health and well-being. Protein synthesis and nitrogen retention is improved across the board thanks to this anabolic steroid. Muscular cells are going to be able to build proteins a lot faster which allows muscles to repair and grow with lightning like speed, and the extra nitrogen that cells are able to hold things to Superdrol will go a long way towards producing the perfect environment for the creation of new muscle tissue. This all results in a powerfully strong anabolic steroid and in anabolic atmosphere that allows bodybuilders and athletes to create more lean muscle mass in a much shorter amount of time – even if they are currently in a calorie restricted state. Bodybuilders that are looking to improve their musculature while cutting before a competition are known to use Superdrol quite a bit, as they know that they can restrict their caloric intake significantly without really running down the results of this anabolic steroid at the same time. There aren’t a lot of other steroids out there that can offer this kind of advantage. The red blood cell count throughout your body will improve significantly when you take advantage of this anabolic steroid, too. These red blood cells are responsible for shuttling oxygen throughout your body, and when you increase your red blood cell count you’re not only able to better oxygenate your muscles but you are also able to improve your immune system and a number of other critical bodily systems. At the end of the day, Superdrol is a powerful and proven anabolic steroid and it’s easy to see why so many choose to take advantage of everything that it’s able to bring to the table. Effects of Superdrol With other anabolic steroids, it’s easy to point to just a small handful of positive impacts that they make throughout the human body. When it comes to Superdrol, however, the you’re talking about a total package anabolic steroid solution here that is going to work to transform your body from top to bottom clear across the board. While the original marketing campaign behind this steroid touted it as a powerful muscle builder, athletes that have used this steroid continue to…